Fall 2023 Courses (subject to change).
Click on course number for poster (if available). Please check ConnectCarolina for the most up-to-date course information. For building abbreviations, click here.
Course Number Instructor Course Title Day Time Room
IDST 129-001 Ariel Countering Hate (Triple I Course X) T/R 2:00-3:15 SC 103
RELI 063 FYS Magness The Archaeology of Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls M/W 5:00-6:15 MU 105
RELI 067 FYS Leve Nature, Culture, and Self-Identity: Religion in the Construction of Social Life T/R 2:00-3:15 CH 104
RELI 070 FYS Ehrman Jesus in Scholarship and Film T/R 8:00-9:15 CH 204
RELI 072 FYS Ariel Apocalypse Now T/R 9:30 - 10:45 CH 104
RELI 078 FYS Lambert Reading the Bible: Now and Then T/R 3:30-4:45 CH 104
RELI 103 X r Lambert Introduction to Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Literature (601-612) (JWST 103=24) M/W 12:20-1:10 GC 1015
RELI 106 X r Magness Introduction to Early Judaism (601-606) (JWST 106=20) M/W 1:25-2:15 FH 109
RELI 114 r Mendez Early Christian Worship, Ritual, & Bodies (601-603) M/W 11:15-12:05 GS G010
RELI 121 r Ochoa Introduction to Religion and Culture (601-609) M/W 1:25-2:15 CA 111
RELI 123 X Cooper Introduction to Jewish Studies (JWST 100=20) T/R 2:00-3:15 WI 107
RELI 135 Consenstein Religion, Ethics and Technology T/R 2:00-3:15 MU 105
RELI 138 r Styers Religious Freedom (601-606) M/W 12:25-1:15 CP 201
RELI 162 Marienberg Catholicism Today: An Introduction to the Contemporary Catholic Church T/R 11:00-12:15 MU 105
RELI 181 X r Ziad Modern Muslim Societies (601-606) (ASIA 181=20) M/W 9:05-9:55 FH 109
RELI 208 Ehrman Birth of Christianity T/R 12:30-1:45 MU 302
RELI 209 Plese Varieties of Early Christianity T/R 2:00-3:15 GC 1005
RELI 211 X Lam Classical Hebrew I: A Linguistic Introduction to the Hebrew Bible (JWST 211=5) M/W/F 10:10-11:00 CH 104
Reli 236 Ochoa Religious Things M 3:35-6:35 MU 204
RELI 270 X Marienberg Religion in Western Europe (EURO 270=10) T/R 12:30-1:45 MU 105
RELI 283 X Leve The Buddhist Tradition: India, Nepal, and Tibet (ASIA 300=15) T/R 11:00-12:15 GC 1005
RELI 413 Plese Biblical Coptic and Early Egyptian Monasticism T/R 11:00-12:15 GC 3024
RELI 443 Consenstein Evangelicalism in America T/R 12:30-1:45 GM 035
RELI 448 Bayne Native and Christian: Indigenous Engagements with Christianity T/R 11:00-12:15 GM 210
RELI 533 X Cooper Women, Gender, ad Judaism (JWST 533=10/WGST 533=10 T/R 9:30-10:45 MU 105
RELI 583 X Ziad Religion and Culture in Iran: 1500 to the Present (ASIA 583=10) M/W 5:00-6:15 CH 104
RELI 697 Bayne Religious Studies Undergraduate CAPSTONE: T 2:00-4:50 DE 402
JWST 697 Lam Themes and Methodologies in Jewish Studies (Topic: Jewish Languages) M 6:00-8:50 PH 301
RELI 700 s Thornton Theory & Method in the Study of Religion M 2:00-4:50 MU 221 /Conf. Rm.
RELI 707 Mendez Early Christian History & Literature (Gateway) T 9:30-12:20 HN 112
RELI 821 s 1 Styers Seminar in Religion & Culture: Secularism & Atheism T 2:00-4:50 SC 200 /Conf. Rm.
RELI 900 (s,1) Staff Readings and Research
RELI 910 (s,1) Staff Religious Studies Professional Development Seminar TBD TBD
RELI 990 (s,1) Staff Preliminary Preparation
RELI 993 (s,1) Staff Master’s Research and Thesis
RELI 994 (s,1) Staff Doctoral Research and Dissertation