Spring 2025

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Spring 2025 Courses (subject to change).

Click on course number for poster (if available). Please check ConnectCarolina for the most up-to-date course information. For building abbreviations, click here.

Course NumberInstructorCourse TitleDayTimeRoom
IDST 134-001MagnessJerusalem: Real and Imagined T/R3:30-4:45HM 100
RELI 065 FYSPleseMyth, Philosophy and Science in the Ancient WorldT/R11:00-12:15CH 104
RELI 070 FYSEhrmanJesus in Scholarship and FilmT/R9:30-10:45CH 104
RELI 072 FYSArielMessianic Movements T/R9:30-10:45DE 401
RELI 089de la CruzIndigenous Ways of KnowingT/R12:30-1:45MU 105
Reli 101WaldrupeIntroduction to Religious StudiesM/W3:35-4:50MU 105
RELI 104MendezIntroduction to the New Testament (601-612)M/W9:05-9:55GC 1015
RELI 108MarienbergClassic Jewish Texts: From Bible and Dead Sea Scrolls to Kabbalah and HassidismT/R9:30-10:45MU 105
RELI 109KnightHistory and Culture of Ancient IsraelT/R8:00-9:15MU 105
RELI 110MagnessThe Archaeology of Palestine in the New Testament Period (CLAR 110 & JWST 110)T/R2:00-3:15PE 1040
RELI 125StyersHeaven and Hell (601-606)M/W12:20-1:10GC 1015
RELI 130KurtzReligion and Pop CultureM/W3:35-4:50GC 1005
RELI 138GrimesReligious FreedomT/R8:00-9:15GC 1009
RELI 140BayneReligion in America M/W1:25-2:15GC 1015
RELI 150de la CruzIndigenous Religions in the AmericasT/R9:30-10:45GC 1009
RELI 161ArielIntroduction to the History of Christian Traditions T/R12:30-1:45CH 104
RELI 181CarterModern Muslim Societies (ASIA 181) (601-606)M/W1:25-2:15PE 1040
RELI 184AmbrosEast Asian ReligionsT/R2:00-3:15GC 1005
RELI 201 HLambertAncient Biblical InterpretationT/R9:30-10:45GM 210
RELI 205 HLamSacrifice in the Ancient WorldT/R11:00-12:15GM 213
RELI 208EhrmanBirth of ChristianityT/R11:00-12:15GC 1005
RELI 217PleseGnosticismT/R2:00-3:15CH 104
RELI 236OchoaReligion and ThingsT/R12:30-1:45GC 1005
RELI 240 HBayneReligion, Literature, and the Arts in AmericaM/W/F10:10-11:00CH 104
RELI 266BoonMedieval and Renaissance Christian CulturesT/R3:30-4:45GC 1005
RELI 270MarienbergReligion in Western Europe (EURO 270) T/R11:00-12:15MU 105
RELI 285 XLeveThe Buddhist Tradition: Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka (ASIA 285)T/R9:30-10:45GL 101
RELI 421StyersReligion and ScienceM/W5:00-6:15CH 104
RELI 501LambertThe History of the Bible in Modern StudyT/R11:00-12:15GC 1009
RELI 515 HMendezCultural History of the New Testament M11:15-2:05MU 105
RELI 524LeveEthnographic Approaches to Contemporary ReligionT2:00-4:50MU 105
RELI 527LamReligious Metaphor and SymbolT/R8:00-9:15CH 104
RELI 721OchoaTheories of Religion and Culture T9:30-12:20GC 3024
RELI 782CarterIslam and ReformM5:00-7:50MU 105
RELI 824BoonBody, Materiality, HistoryW5:-750MU 105
RELI 900 StaffReligious Studies Professional Development Seminar
RELI 990 StaffPreliminary Preparation
RELI 993 StaffMaster’s Research and Thesis
RELI 994 StaffDoctoral Research and Dissertation