(Updated Dec. 9) With spring semester approaching, we will periodically highlight upcoming courses that may be of special interest to students. Here are just four among the many that our department is offering in Spring 2017:
RELI 143: Judaism in Our Time [course flyer]
Instructor: Yaakov Ariel (yariel@email.unc.edu)
TuTh 9:30AM-10:45AM (Gen Eds: SS, GL)
This course aims at providing a panoramic view of Jewish life, culture, practices, and challenges in our time. It will explore the diverse ethnic, geographical, political, literary, artistic, and communal forms in which Judaism has found expression in our generation and will offer students an opportunity to study the manner in which social and cultural changes affect religious practices and norms.
RELI/GERM 227: Luther and the Bible [course flyer]
Instructor: Ruth von Bernuth (rvb@email.unc.edu)
MoWe 1:25PM-2:15PM, plus recitation (Gen Eds: HS, WB)
What is the legacy of the Protestant Reformation on modern life today? Learn how Reformation ideas have influenced religion, society, economics, and politics from early modern to modern times. Readings include Luther’s On the Freedom of a Christian and That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew, Melanchthon’s The Pope-Ass Explained, Brant’s Ship of Fools, as well as hymns, carnival plays, and Bible translations. The only prerequisite: an inquiring mind. (Readings and class discussions in English.)
RELI 566: Islamic and Jewish Legal Literature [course flyer]
Instructor: Evyatar Marienberg (evyatarm@unc.edu) and Ahmed El Shamsy (University of Chicago)
Th 3:30PM-6:20PM (Gen Eds: PH, WB)
This course, on both Jewish and Islamic law, will be co-taught by Dr. Ahmed El Shamsy (Chicago, Islamic Law) and Dr. Evyatar Marienberg (UNC, Jewish Law), using videoconferencing technology, combining the two classrooms to one. We will explore the nature, structure, development, and significance of the legal system of each of these two religions. We will explore laws about food, holidays, prayer, finances, relations to other groups, sexuality, the status of women, medical treatment, and more. No need to have any background in Hebrew or Arabic: all texts will be provided in English, and no previous knowledge on Islam or Judaism will be assumed.
RELI 580: African-American Islam [course flyer]
Instructor: Juliane Hammer (jhammer@email.unc.edu)
TuTh 2:00PM-3:15PM (Gen Eds: HS, GL, NA; research intensive)
Who was Malcolm X? What’s hip hop got to do with Islam? Is Islam an American religion? What is the Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative? Find out the answers to these questions and more in RELI 580: African-American Islam!
Posted in News & Events on December 7, 2016. Bookmark the permalink.