Honors Thesis

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Honors Thesis

Program Description

The Honors Program at UNC-CH is recognized as one of the most inclusive and accessible in the United States. While some students are competitively selected to participate in the Honors Program from their first or second year at UNC-CH, students who write a senior honors thesis can graduate with honors even if they did not participate in the Honors Program earlier.


Students majoring in religious studies (including double majors) can graduate with honors if they:

  • Have a GPA of 3.3 or above;
  • Complete RELI 691H and 692H (the honors course, to be taken in the Fall and Spring semesters of the student’s senior year); and
  • Write a senior honors thesis.

Students who write a senior thesis do so under the supervision of a faculty mentor. Arrangements for working with a mentor need to be made during the student’s junior year. Consult the Director of Undergraduate Studies early in your junior year if you wish to write a senior thesis. When confirmed, please submit the Honors Thesis Agreement and an Independent Study Contract.

Students may want to talk with their thesis advisors about applying for an Honors Undergraduate Research Award. This competitive award provides up to $500 to help cover research expenses.

General guidance for writing an honors thesis is available from the Writing Center.